Saturday, 29 March 2014


1. Start fresh every single day
2. Check your credit card statements, bank account and pay stubs regularly
3. Adopt a "meatless Monday" mentality
4. Put down your phone when you're out with people
5. Try the 2/30 rule, 2 hours of TV, 30 minutes of exercise
6. Understand that exercise doesn't have to be a big time commitment
7. Cut back on your evil sugar
8. Drink warm water with lemon and cayenne pepper daily
9. Don't try to keep up with the Jones, you'll lose
10. Use a retinol if you're starting to get wrinkles
11. Ask HR about benefits you're probably not using
12. Practice safe sex, always
13. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach
14. Start biking (even if it's just a little)
15. Keep healthy snacks at home and at work
16. Stop beating yourself up
17. Don't do drugs.  It's that simple.
18. Likewise, stop smoking
19. Take care of your clothing
20. Eat whole foods as much as possible
21. Consolidate and pay off debt ASAP
22. Don't slip your yearly gyno appointment
23. Don't overdo the booze
24. Don't snack if you're not hungry
25. Use SPF and wear a hat in the sun
26. Don't rely on pills if you can't sleep
27. Drink at least 8 ounces of water a day
28. Make your home a place you want to be
29. Don't buy things you know you'll only wear once
30. Use YouTube for free exercise videos
31. Google "How To make your own cleaning supplies"
32. Drop loose change into the same jar daily
33. Stand up for yourself
34. Avoid tanning beds like the plague
35. Take medication seriously
36. Listen to your body
37. Don't skimp on sleep
38. Do mental health checks
39. Read labels on everything from food to makeup
40. Prioritize stress management
41. Always wear a seatbelt, even in a taxi
42. Wash your hands often
43. For every 20 minutes on a computer, look away for 20 seconds
44. Count to ten when you're angry
45. Learn to take constructive criticism
46. Never let Google diagnose you
47. Meal plan
48. If you know you can do better, then do better
49. Don't close your mind, you might miss something
50. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night

Saturday, 15 March 2014

10 Homemade Detox Water Recipes For Your AM Routine

We all know that drinking a lot of water during the day is so beneficial for your health. It is your body’s best beauty elixir. Since your body is about 70 % water, drinking 8-10 glasses per day is important because every cell in your body needs it. It helps you to be more concentrated and focused and you will be surprised on the high level your energy will be. It keeps your skin moisturized and glow and your hair strong and fresh. But, if you are bored of the simple taste, I highly recommend you try adding some fresh fruits or vegetables to satisfy your taste needs. And believe it or not, it will help you to flush out all the toxins from your body system. Here are top 10 homemade detox water for your morning routine.

1. Mint + Lemon Water | add mint leaves and lemon slices to a water pitcher or glass, fill with water and ice and leave in the fridge for a few hours.  Refreshing and fat burning. 

2. Watermelon Water | Drinking watermelon water is one of the best detoxification processes.  To make the drink, blend water melon and mix with equal parts of water.  Add fresh watermelon slices, mint leaves and ice.

3. Cucumber Water | It both hydrates and cleans your body and it is great for your digestive system, it is a great way to start the day.  Combine half a cucumber, a handful of mint and lemon slices.

4. Strawberry Water | Blend strawberries, add water and ice and mint leaves if you wish.  Delicious and low in calories.

5. Ginger Water | Have the flu?  Upset stomach?  Ginger water is an effective natural remedy.  Cut a piece of ginger in half, muddle it, place in a glass, add water and a squeeze of lemon.

6. Grapefruit Water | Helps your body reduce fat, it is rich in Vitamin C and it is an excellent detox beverage.  Cut the grapefruit into wedges, add ice, mint and water.

7. Lime Water | Lime is a fruit that come with a lot of advantages and one of the greatest is that it will clean all toxins in your body.  Simply add sliced lime to your water.

8. Apple Cinnamon Water | This delicious drink contains many vitamins and minerals.  Put the apple slices in the pitcher, add cinnamon and sticks.  TIP: drink before meals.

9. Berry Water | Muddle the berries, add ice and water.  Amazing antioxidant benefits.


10. Orange Water | If you are too lazy to squeeze the oranges in the morning, here is a better option.  Cut the oranges into slices, add to a to-go cup or water glass.